
Class 10 Monday, January 1, 8PM

Determination is the wake-up call to the human will, and leadership is the revival of a nation. From the Crusades to the Holocaust, time and time again Judaism has been brought back from the brink of survival to flourish once more. This lesson examines the methods of great Jewish leaders who brought renewed life and hope to their generation.


Class 11 Monday, January 1, 8PM

How do you deal with the loss of a loved one? Is it even possible? This lesson wrestles with one of life’s most painful challenges, confronting grief, pain, and the struggle to move on.


Class 12 Monday, January 1, 8PM

To the casual observer, life’s road is marred with bumps and ditches. This class trains us to peel back the layers of darkness and discover life's true character of joy.


Class 1 Wednesay, July 11, 8PM

Love your fellow as you love yourself. Belief in one G-d. These are some of the classic fundamentals of Jewish ideology. This lesson explores a less familiar and more surprising statement of our sages that summarizes the ultimate message of Torah.


Class 2 Wednesay, July 18, 8PM

How do you make non-kosher dishes kosher? This lesson explores Torah’s mechanism for extracting deeply saturated, unwanted substances and how it can empower us to shed our undesired character traits.


Class 3 Wednesay, July 25, 8PM

You lose a good job. Your marriage is falling apart. Your inner sense of security is crumbling from within. This class teaches you to seek out the opportunity buried within the misfortune.


Class 4 Wednesay, August 1, 8PM

The 15th of Av on the Jewish calendar is traditionally commemorated as a day of matchmaking and festivities. Why all the celebrations? This lesson explores the deeper significance of this unusual Jewish holiday and why the sages dubbed it the most joyful day of the year.


Class 5 Wednesay, August 8, 8PM

In addition to being our ancestral home, Israel is also the spiritual nexus of the world. Through a study of its indigenous fruits, this lesson will help you appreciate the multiple dimensions of Israel in a new light.


Class 6 Wednesay, August 15, 8PM

Is it a good thing that you can’t get enough of a good thing? If you’re willing to do more good, why not do it? This class discusses life and Judaism as a delicate divine recipe in which adding is subtracting.


Class 7 Wednesay, August 22, 8PM

While the Jewish judicial system upholds the rule of law, preference is always given to compromise and settlement over litigation. This lesson presents a Jewish approach to judicial proceedings in which justice is served alongside compassion.


Class 8 Wednesay, August 29, 8PM

Are your responsibilities to your children a matter of choice? Why does Judaism favor the firstborn child? This lesson discusses the power of children in turning a husband and wife into a father and mother.


Class 9 Wednesday, Sept. 5 8PM

If you’re always wrong, you’re never wrong. This class explores the mysterious mitzvah of “confession of tithes” to discover powerful lessons about the importance of acknowledging the good in ourselves and in others.


Class 10 Wednesday, Sept. 12, 8PM

In this inspiring biblical account of character, courage and determination, Palti ben Layish, an unsung hero and King David’s personal confidante, teaches us how we can develop our own characters to become who we know we should be.


Class 11 Wednesday, Sept.19 8PM

Yom Kippur represents the idea that G-d gives us a chance to start over. Judaism appreciates the value of incremental growth, realizing that man cannot become perfect overnight. This lesson explores the nature of divine forgiveness and when we should be forgiving of others.


Class 12 Wednesday, Sept.26, 8PM

What is happiness? We all want it, but tend to look for it in the wrong places. This lesson explores the quest for happiness and uncovers a clue to unlocking its secret from a bizarre Talmudic tale.


Fee: Individual Class: $7
Semester: $30 (textbook included)
